Institute of Science Tokyo Institute of Inovative Research Quantum Navigation Research center


2024.10.01 The Quantum Navigation Unit has been upgraded to the Quantum Navigation Research Center.
2024.09.05 We held the COI-NEXT program's site visit at the Ookayama campus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
2023.07.04 We held the COI-NEXT program's site visit at the Suzukakedai campus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
2022.11.22 We held the COI-NEXT program's site visit at the Suzukakedai campus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
2021.09.07 The site visit of the COI-NEXT program was held.
2021.04.19 We have released the homepage of the quantum navigation unit.
2021.04.01 The quantum navigation unit has kicked into gear.


Global positioning system (GPS) realized stable and safe navigation of ships, planes, and other traffic systems. However, the navigation precision under the ground or water is much worse than the case on the ground level. Even on the ground surface, there are various problems such as jamming or spoofing, threatening our safety and security. This research center develops and implements cutting-edge technology covering classical to quantum areas and aims to establish revolutionary navigation technology to expand the human being's active region to the underwater or deep space. We also apply such novel navigation technology for diagnosing the inside of the earth and realize disaster defense and mitigation.

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Prof. Mikio Kozuma